Project 30 - Day 30 - February 13, 2007 Here Comes the Rain Again!

Well they predicted severe weather this afternoon. Thankfully it moved thru fairly fast...but for a while the rain came down fast and hard!

Here comes the rain...


...and more rain!

...and after the rain...beautiful GLORIOUS SUN!!!


Anonymous said…
Your day looks like ours.. except ours was over by lunchtime.. Glad the sun came back out... and Way to Go on 30 Days!
Beth said…
LOL! Gotta love Florida weather :)
Melinda said…
Wish it would blow through like that here - we're on the wrong side of the gulf - it's sorta like living in Cleveland, OH where they get Lake Effect Snow - we get Gulf Effect Rain.

Congrats on making 30 days!

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