Project 30 - Day 24 - February 7, 2007

A beautiful day today with temperatures in the low to mid 70's. Too bad I really didn't feel good enough to enjoy it. I stayed home from work with absolutely NO voice!! The crummy cold is getting the better of me!

Mariah has also been battling a cold for over a week it was time to go to the doctor. She came home with antibiotics, and my doctor called in antibiotics for me. LOL so the afternoon was spent running to get them filled.

There is a boat ramp that I passed on the way to and from Mariah's doctor's appt. There are three dead trees in the water and all kinds of water birds like to perch there. Today one of them was filled with caracaras both coming and going to the appt. I've looked at these trees for years and saying I wanted to shoot while on a med run I thought I'd go back that way and try to shoot them.

But alas, they weren't there by the time I went back...but I did find a few things to shoot. There is a metal spool down in the bushes by the lake and I used it as a frame to try and catch a boat speeding past. I'll have to go back and try this again with a great DOF and see if I can get it all in focus. Today I only ended up with either the boat in focus or the metal frame. LOL then I ran out of boats.

This little hawk was sitting up high on a light pole enjoying the view of the lake...

Across the road at and abandoned old wharf I found some neat old pilings. As I was shooting them, an otter decided to swim into the picture just as a clicked the shutter. There were at least 3 of them but they were headed under the bridge over to the lake side back across under the I only got this one shot.

Here's another twig shot for today with a hawk attached. :-)

...and last but not least a little fence post with some lovely moss on it.

By then I was whupped and I headed back home...and will saved these places in my list of places to go back and explore more...especially now that I know there are otters there.


Heidi Brand said…
I hope that you are all feeling better soon.
Huffy said…

I hope you feel better soon.. I tell you..I think this is the worst cold season that I can is kicking our house's butt!
Anonymous said…
I love these today... you got some great shots... I love the colors in the pilings with the otter... it's so crisp looking.... and that fence post... excellent. I can't wait to see what else you come up with for the spool shot... it has excellent possibilities. Nice work today Anna.. even if you do still have the Project 30 Crud!
Melinda said…
Sorry you still aren't feeling well. I love the spool and the dock.
Denise said…
Wow, these are beautiful! You have such a great eye. Nice work.
Patti White said…
love that moss one! and we too have spent hours chasing hawks..wouldnt it be great if they just let us photo them? a nice pose?!
Beth said…
I hope you are feeling better soon!! I love watching the otters play. :) They are so fun.
D Shoro said…
you sure have alot of wildlife in your neck of the woods! My favorite is the mossy post I like the leaves at the bottom of the frame. Nice shots.

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