Carnival Revisited...

Had to man the Girl Scout cookie booth...but did escape to grab a couple daytime shots.
Ferris wheel by day...

...a couple of other rides.

Love Bug the clown. She is a friend of ours.

...and what is a carnival with out silly souveniers?

...and my son Stacey coming down the Super Slide.

...canoes waiting by the side of the lake.

...and we came home to find this parade going across the street in front of our house. There was about 2 dozen of them. Happened to have the camera in the seat by stopped and took a shot. They flew off when I had to take the corner and come on down the street.


Anonymous said…
Love these shots today... that first ferris wheel shot is great... and I love the colors in all the others....

That shot of the Ibis crossing the road.... LOL that is so cool.. they look like they are very serious about wherever they are headed... a protest march?? :)
Beth said…
I love these little carnivals. I haven't seen many of them up here.

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