Project 30 - Day 20 - February 3, 2007 - My Little Girl is Growing Up!!

Well, my little girl is growing up. She had her first date tonight for their Homecoming Banquet. We spent the day hunting for a dress, shoes and all the extras. We found this beautiful dress for just $27, and it makes her look SO grownup.


Anonymous said…
Yeah... I understand why you say WAAHH.. she really is growing up... She's beautiful!!!
Heidi Brand said…
She does look all grown up here. The last one is too cute.
Melinda said…
Growing up too fast - you can tell she is really feeling good about herself too which is fantastic!
She's so beautiful!! Better start cleaning that shotgun now :-O
D Shoro said…
The contrast between the photos of her by herself and the one with her "date" is sooo funny! They do grow up fast!
Oh my gosh...... isn't she too young to be going out? How old is she?
She looks adorable in the red dress.
Beth said…
Look at how pretty she is! It goes so fast!

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