George Fest Parade

My goodness...two posts in one day, and probably more before the day is over. I'm home on a break between the parade and our turn to run the Girl Scout cookie booth.

Everone loves a hometown parade so here's a sampling from the Georgefest Parade this morning

No parade is complete without ...Flag Corps

...a King and Queen

Grand Bahia with Kissing Camels, Motorcycles and Funny Cars:

Clowns and MORE clowns...

Pretty Horses and wagons...

...interesting characters

Red Hat ladies...

Tricycle Brigade...

Ronald McDonald...

...the High School Marching Band

and you HAVE to have Baton Twirlers!

Don't forget the balloons!!!

...and a last glance down the road after the parade is over and the crowds have left...


Anonymous said…
I love a parade! You got some great shots... the sunshine really makes all those colors pop... I think my fav is your "interesting character"... LOL you gotta wonder what was on his mind... As for that kissing camel.. I wouldn't get that close.. those things spit! LOL Really nice shots today Anna
Beth said…
Ok, how come I lived in FL all my life and never heard of Georgefest? LOL these are awesome parade shots! Looks like so much fun.

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