WOYWW #208

What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday?

If you want to see what everyone is up to for this week's
check out Julia's Stamping Ground and take a peek at workdesks from all over the world. 
This is WOYWW Four Year Anniversary and we are celebrating!

Just a quick peek at my desk today.  
This week I have a new LARGER canvas picked out 
and I'm going to  give a got a working a bit larger this time.
I've got an idea in my head and I'm hoping that I can bring my vision to life on my canvas.

I haven't forgotten to post the reveal from my Sneak Peek last week.  It has been shipped off to its recipient and as soon as I receive word that it has arrived, I will post it.  I actually have a post all written and saved.  It is just waiting for me to push the button.
UPDATE - the full post has now been published here.

I also treated myself to a little tabletop easel this weekend as I was tired of trying to hold and balance my canvases in my hand and then having to prop them up to dry.  I don't have a space big enough for a larger tabletop easel or a standing one...but as long as I don't work TOO large, this should work out pretty good.


Monica said…
Please send me your email so I can send you an ATC. Looking to see how the new easel and large canvas works.
My email www24groups@gmail.com

Monica 135&136 Forgot * first time.
Krisha said…
Having an easel does make things so much easier.
Krisha #140
Winnie said…
Oooh! I love the easel! A desk top one to boot! Very cool! Hope you enjoy working on it! Happy anniversary! Winnie#98
KatzElbows said…
That canvas looks so tempting. I just want to slap some colour on and see what happens! Hope you enjoy creating something wonderful.

Happy anniversary,
Love Rachel #48
Dianne said…
That easel is perfect, and that canvas look very intimidating to me, but I'm sure it fine for you.Have fun creating and have a wonderful day..
Dianne #105
ria gall said…
wow that is a big canvas I can't wait to see what you do on that and I like your desk top easel
Wishing you and everyone a Very Happy WOYWW today
Ria #49
Robyn said…
I love sneak peaks! and blank canvas!
thanks for the kind words, visiting and welcoming me to your place.
Happy 4th!
Robyn 122
Neet said…
What a lovely easel you have got for yourself. It looks as if it will be perfect for painting in a small space and you can take it with you on holiday and things (maybe)
Thanks for visiting me - Hugs, Neet xx 1
Spyder said…
Happy 4th Anniversary of WOYWW! I bought my dad a few easels, I hopemum will let me have one of them, but she may've already given it to someone else. Thanks for the reminder I'll ask her today! off now to visit!! happy 4th WOYWW!
((Lyn)) #19 (was...might not be now)
Lindsay Weirich said…
Easels are wonderful things aren't there! Thanks for stopping by my blog Lindsay #113
Thanks for stopping by, Happy WOYWW4 Enjoy a great week, I'm taking a break from rhubarb !! pie, jam, cobbler and still raining. What a lovely canvas above with the pink and use of hearts. Very pretty.
Cazzy said…
Hi Anna, Happy WOYWW! Thanks for visiting me.
LOL, the red EP is a nightmare, it keeps turning my white card red and ruining it, especially when it was supposed to be black and white!

It even seems to be eating into some of my clear stamps!

I went to peek at your lovely canvas, WOW.

Cazzy x
RosA said…
I wonder what you are going to do to the canvas?
Happy 4th WOYWW Anniversary,
RosA # 39
SueH said…
I’m sorry to be late in visiting but I’m now on day three of my quest to get round everyone this week. I know it’s going to take some time, but I wanted to say that it’s amazing that the internet can bring together so many likeminded people and I’m grateful that WOYWW has also brought along so many new friends, thanks to Julia.

It’s always a bit daunting stepping out of our comfort zone when it comes to size to project we are working on but I’m sure whatever you have in mind will look wonderful. I can’t wait to see it.

Enjoy your weekly snoop, especially as we’re celebrating WOYWW’s 4th Anniversary.
Happy Crafting!
Sue @82
Twiglet said…
Fab easel. I love the canvas you have made and think your instructions are brilliant.Happy WOYWW4 and thanks for visiting my blog. x Jo
April said…
Congrats on your new easel. Can't wait to see what you paint on it.
April #125

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