Wings to Fly

Happy Birthday Tracy Weinzapfel!

May has been a special month at Mixed Media Mondays with Tracy Weinzapfel as we have been celebrating her birthday with a month of fun!

My gift to her was this 10 x 10 inch canvas and just as promised in the sneak peek in this post, here is a look at the completed project.

A list of the products I used will be at the bottom of this post.

I started out by spreading on a layer of  101 Artist's Cement Light on my canvas and impressing it with  stamps and bottle tops, etc. to create texture.
Next I started adding layers of paint.

...with each layer adding a bit more depth and dimension to the canvas.

Here's a little closer look at a portion of the canvas showing the texture created in the Artist's Cement and some of the layers of colors.  Several more layers of color were added after this shot was taken. 

While layer of paint were drying on my canvas, I cut a heart out of a heavy drapery material sample.  
(I have a small bag full of these to use in my artwork.)

The heart also got many layers of paint and then if was topped off with some stamping.

Then it was time to add the quote.  I printed it out on regular typing paper and gave it a light wash and added a few spatters in the same color scheme.
I cut the words apart and added them to my canvas and outlined them with a Faber-Castell Pitt Pen in black.
(Sorry Tracy...I DID try the charcoal pencil, but it just wasn't happening! LOL)
The words were then given a light coat of Glossy Perfect Paper Adhesive.

Then the heart was edged with a black Gelato before attaching it to the canvas and a bit of bling was added because...
it's not a birthday without some bling!

Here's just a quick shot of some of the paint colors that I used.
I forgot to take a picture of all the rubber stamps and inks before I put them away.

Here's the Products List as promised...

10 x10 primed artist canvas

101 Artist's Cement Light
palette knife
USArtQuest Perfect Adhesive- Glossy
USArtQuest Perfect Adhesive-Matte
USArtQuest Perfect Pigments in various colors

Americana acrylic paint

Artist's Touch acrylics from Hobby Lobby

Perfect Pearls Mist in Perfect Pearl

Tim Holt Bigz Die - Heart Wings

Pitt Pin in black
Gelato in black


Various Rubber Stamps

Grid Pattern

Handwriting by Acey Deucy
Spatter by Imaginations


Camerageek said…
Is artists cement sort of like gesso but thicker?
such details!! love the layers!! I know Tracy loved this!!
JoelMcBride said…
Fantastic variety of elements and dimension. I saved this post in a 'to try' folder for myself. Great work!

Thanks for visiting...

Joel McBride #168 (aka Barf Snoodlefart)
Jean said…
Wow - just amazing!!!
What a wonderful canvas... lovely to see in detail what all those fab colours went into creating. It's a great make, and I'm sure it will be cherished!
Alison x
Laurianna said…
AWESOME! Love all the layers and the thought that went into this!

SandeeNC said…
Awesome job Anna, it's a lovely piece!

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