WOYWW #203

What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday?

...as for mine, I took a bit of time to paint earlier this week and the remnants of that are still sitting on my desk.  I've been taking a free class from Kat McBride called Let's Paint Fabulous Faces! and I finally got all the right paints and brushes for the class and had the time to actually try my hand at it.  

I want to be able to add little faces into my journaling and art and I'm hoping that with a bit a practice I'll at least get faster at painting, as it took me forever to get this far.  I like how she looks so far though...so I know it is just a matter of practice, practice and more practice!

My son brought home his prom pictures yesterday and they are sitting there waiting for me to divide them up so he can give part of them to his girlfriend.

...and there is also a lovely postcard from a friend in a postcard exchange group that I belong to that came in the mail yesterday.  It has a wonderful little quote from William Shakespeare about April on it and little birds and fun Spring colors.

Spring is being a late bloomer this year...even for us in Florida.  Here is it almost May and I'm still having to grab a jacket in the mornings.

Below is a shot of the face I am working on.  I can't wait to get back to my paints and work some more on her.  I need to finish her eyes before I move on to her hair and other finishing touches.  Someone said she looked so sad, and I see that.  Hopefully once I add some sparkle to her eyes and give her a pretty hair-do, she will feel better and look a little happier~

I'm looking forward to a nice fun weekend.  I work late today, and then I have the next four days off and my husband and I are going to enjoy the Leesburg Bikefest.  We have several friends that are in bands and they will be playing in different venues all weekend, so we will be hopping around to see them play and we will be checking out all the cool bikes.  

We will probably enjoy a ride or two ourselves if the weather stays nice.  We haven't really had nice enough weather to get out on the bike very much...and I don't like to ride when it is cold!!

If you want to see what everyone is up to for What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday, be sure and stop on over at Julia's Stamping Ground and take a peek at everyone's desks.  I'm off to post my link there and check out a few desks before I head off to work.

Have an Artful Day!


ria gall said…
A lovely painting but very sad eyes and she looks deep in thought
Happy WOYWW #203 and thank you for sharing your desk with us today
Ria #60
Anonymous said…
I think the sadness is mainly in the eyes and it's not over-the-top. Glad you are having a chance to participate in the class -- gathering the supplies for such things can be time-consuming! Happy WOYWW from Laura #96
sara j said…
Anna I think you face if fabulous. I think I'm about where you are with the whole painting faces thing...one of the amazing things I have discovered for OTHER paint projects is that a really, really small brush, like a 1 is amazing for details work. I have to go look up the class you are taking; sounds like a great experience. Keep up the good work!
Sara j
Jackie said…
Late spring in Florida still sounds better than snow in uk I was in Florida in march and it was a lovely 25 most days I know it's colder further up...... Are you near She Scrapbooks that store sounds really great they do some great classes I read about !
Jackie 15
Unknown said…
lovely portrait.
Karen #64
Claire said…
great desk pic and i love her face so far...
enjoy your fun weekend and thanks for stopping by and leaving a lovely comment :)
happy WOYWW and have a great week!
no 1
Unknown said…
Your face painting looks great.thanks for visiting.
Craftychris said…
Your face is fabulous! I cannot draw at all! I am so impressed. Enjoy the Bikefest and thank you for visting me. Have a good week. xx #114
Darnell said…
Thanks for coming by to see me, Anna! I'm delighted you like my little Playhouse! I hope you can get one of your own!!

Your's is a very interesting desk on the tour! I used to paint decades ago. Your face is so well done - can't wait to see it finished!!

Have a wonderful week and a fun time at the bike fest! Darnell #52

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