April Creative Dare / Gelli Print Party

Mixed Media Monday
April Creative Dare

The April Creative Dare for Mixed Media Mondays was to think of FIVE WORDS describing what your life means.  Your purpose!  What FIVE WORDS encompass what you want to be remembered for?  

It was so hard to pick five words that would be all encompassing of what I wanted to be remembered for...because each time I would decide on one, it seemed so trite and superficial.
Finally I gave in and picked the ones that I hope best describes me...and I hope that my family and friends see these qualities in me.  

...as I'm fighting a nasty cold and just didn't have the energy to dig out my paints, inks or pencils, I decided to take a different route for this month's Mixed Media Monday's Creative Dare.

 I started with a scanned Gelli print Ghost print/ cleanup paper.  I liked the colors and the texture and thought it would be perfect for what I was envisioning.

I first downloaded it to my iPad and using Adobe Ideas I added to the faint orange wash at the top and gave it the beginning of the glowing sun.  The light wispy brown tendrils and a few seeds/berries were added...but they felt too one dimensional.

...so then I pulled out my laptop and opened it up in Photoshop, where I added some more seeds/berries with some added depth and dimension.  I added some masking tape from a digital scrapbook kit and added my words.

I then finished up the glow of the sun with some Photoshop brushwork and called it done. 
So now I'm going to post my link to Mixed Media Mondays and call it a night.  I'll also be linking up to Carolyn Dube's Colorful Gelli Print Party for May.

Thanks for stopping by my little blog and I hope you take the time to do something creative every day...


Sandy said…
So cool that you did this digitally.. You are so clever.. Great choice on your words..
Sandy :)
Von said…
Anna this is really wonderful! Your scan input beautifully and you surely have a good grasp on your digital graphics programs. LOVE it!
Carolyn Dube said…
Love how this all came together- the sun and the Photoshop work is seamless with the print! So glad you shared this with the party!
Leslie said…
This is quite nice. I like the foliage in the corner. I'm hooked on scanning my gelli prints for digital work.
Haven't done that 5 word thing yet cause it just seems impossible to choose...
Here from Carolyn's gelli party.
maxiesmom said…
Ooo, that looks like it is very pretty and shimmery. Great page.

Kathy :)
Beautiful down to every detail. Love your words xoxox
Maryjo McGraw said…
Lovely colors and I really like the imge in black over it all!
Maryjo McGraw said…
Lovely colors and I really like the imge in black over it all!
Unknown said…
I love everything about it.
A stunning background - beautiful work - and five lovely words for a life!
Alison x
Rhonda Halushka said…
Beautiful page! Love how you combined gelli backgrounds with Tracy's dare words... and then went digital, wow! Love this one!

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