April Creative Dare / Gelli Print Party

Mixed Media Monday April Creative Dare The April Creative Dare for Mixed Media Mondays was to think of FIVE WORDS describing what your life means. Your purpose! What FIVE WORDS encompass what you want to be remembered for? It was so hard to pick five words that would be all encompassing of what I wanted to be remembered for...because each time I would decide on one, it seemed so trite and superficial. Finally I gave in and picked the ones that I hope best describes me...and I hope that my family and friends see these qualities in me. ...as I'm fighting a nasty cold and just didn't have the energy to dig out my paints, inks or pencils, I decided to take a different route for this month's Mixed Media Monday's Creative Dare. I started with a scanned Gelli print Ghost print/ cleanup paper. I liked the colors and the texture and thought it would be perfect for what I was envisioning. I first downloaded it to my iPad and usi...