WOYWW - #197

What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday?

Good morning everyone!!
 I'm up and at it, getting kids off to school. 

I can't believe that it's been a full week since I sat down at my desk...but it's been a busy (and rough) week and I've been productive in other ways.

I actually spent some time at my desk last night playing with DecoArt Americana paints and a canvas. It was very relaxing and I even remembered to snap a picture to post over at
Julia's Stamping Ground for What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday? 
You should check it out and play along!

I do have to say it was a bit of a challenge though, as both of my Quality Control Officers, Sneakers and Momma, kept walking across my desk to check on my progress.
 Luckily I managed to keep them from putting little cat footprints on my canvas.

I have something in mind for Tracy Weinzapfel's Mixed Media March Creative Dare and I'm hoping that I can translate my vision to canvas.
 So far...so good...the paints and canvas are hearing what I am saying and this takes me to a happy place!!

I want to thank each and every one of you for dropping by my little blog and I would love for you to leave a comment and say hello!
Have a great day and remember to do something creative today!


Anonymous said…
I love your canvas colours Anna, reminds me of a field of wheat in the summer. What else do you have planned for it?

Brenda 88
Kim said…
This looks like the start of something vibrant, warm, Mediterranean feel, hope we see the finished article Kim 110
Krisha said…
Something so soothing about blending paint on a canvas, paw prints are acceptable in art LOL
Have a great week
Krisha #97
Rossella said…
What lovely colours on your canvas reminds me of VG's Sunflowers. I look forward to seeing it finished.
Rosie x
lisa said…
I'm loving the colours you've created on your canvas. Can't wait to see what it turns into.
Thanks for popping by earlier and Happy WOYWW
Hugs Lisax #59
Annie said…
Beautiful canvas Anna. Look forward to viewing the finished piece.

Thanks for visiting earlier

Annie x

Now your newest follower
okienurse said…
love the canvas and colors! I just bought some new canvas to play with! I was going to paint over old ones but...I just can't. Thanks for sharing. Have a great week. Vickie #1
ria gall said…
ooooh can't wait to see how your canvas comes out so I shall be back to see it
Lisa-Jane said…
Its a great canvas so far - such fun to play with paint huh?!
trisha too said…
Beautiful background so far, your canvas is off to a fine beginning!

Happy WOYWW!
#124 this week

Unknown said…
I look forward to seeing what else you do with your canvas, it's looking good! Thanks for sharing and Happy Woyww. Liz 72
BJ said…
Great start to your canvas - keep up the good work. Happy WOYWW BJ#42
Marit said…
That canvas looks very promising... love the colours and the layering that shimmers through. Happy belated woyww, Marit #79
505whimsygirl said…
What a nice beginning to your canvas! I need to practice blending paints..... yep, I'll add that to my list!

Kay (108)
Ohhh Snap said…
Those background colors are fabulous! Thanks for visiting me : D. #83

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