Liebster Blog Award!

Liebster Award - Thanks Lori!

Lori at Lori's Happy Place nominated me for a Liebster award a couple of weeks ago.
At that time I was super busy and not feeling so great, so I put this post on the
back burner until I could get it posted and nominate some of my favorite little blogs!

What is a Liebster? Here's some information -

This award was designed to be a blog award in the pay it forward fashion.
Once you've been nominated, you award it to blogs that you like that have
fewer than 200 followers, to encourage new visitors to visit these new blogs.

Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to their blog,
post the award onto your blog, give the award to five bloggers
who you appreciate that have fewer than 200 followers,
and leave a comment on their blog
to let them know that you have given them the Liebster Award!

So I want to say Thank You so MUCH to Lori at Lori's Happy Place
who nominated my blog. I hope that I can live up to the award and
inspire others to find something that makes them happy
and spend time doing some doing it!

The Five blogs that inspire me and I think you should visit are:

Congratulations ladies!!!
You inspire me and I love to visit your blogs
and I know that my friends will enjoy visiting them too!


BJ said…
Thanks for the SECOND award Anna but I don't really think I ought to accept it. I proposed someone who had already got one so they asked me to give it to someone else so I am asking you to do likewise. Thank you for thinking of me but I'm sure there are other worthy blogs out there without the award already. BJ
Sue said…
Thank you so much Anna that is so kind and sweet of you.
Ashley Calder said…
Thank you so much for the nomination, Anna! How sweet of you. I am excited. :)

I will accept, and pass it on!

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