Alcohol Ink Painting Technique


Stepping out with pictures to demonstrate a simple tapping and blending technique for painting with  Alcohol Ink.

Items Needed 

Alcohol Blending Solution
Time Holtz Alcohol Pearls
Round Blending Tool
1 Felt Blending Pad
1 4x5 inch piece of Grafix Opaque White Craft Plastic

 Apply 5 or so drops of Blending Solution to felt pad.  
(About the size of a dime)

Apply about 4 drops of blue Alcohol Pearl Ink.
Either blue depending on your preference.
I chose Tranquil.

Use a close knit tapping motion to lay in the sky.  Continue to tap and lay in the color, going over areas you've already done until you achieve the look you like whether it be large fluffy cells or small cells.  Sorry I wasn't able to keep it totally in the frame, but I was trying to hold the phone in one hand and film while I used the other hand for blending.  I think I need more practice!! LOL

The longer you tap and blend the more the alcohol and blending fluid will evaporate and the smaller the cells will be.  You can see the smaller cells in the green in the 3rd picture below.

The sky should look similar to the picture above.

After completing the sky add the lighter of the greens (Sublime) and repeat the process for the grassy area, this time tapping until you get smaller cells.  You may need to add a drop or two more of color on your felt if it gets too dry. 

You don't need to add any additional blending solution or you will make the piece too wet and you will have to blend a lot longer until it begins to evaporate and dry again.

You can see the difference in cells in the picture above.  The green has been worked longer and the inks have settled into small cells.

Now you can add a few drops of the darker green (Envy) and add some darker details into the bottom grass section and up along the sides and top to create a trellis like frame.  At this point I usually hold the blending tool at an angle to I have more control of where I am laying down the color. 

Add drops of ink to your felt one or two at a time so that it is just moist enough to add color but not dilute the work you have already completed.

You can go back and add some more of the Sublime green to blend the greens and give depth if it needs it.  

Next add a drop or two of color (orange, pink, red, etc) just at the edge of the felt pad and pounce at an angle to drop in some flowers. 

Continuing to use the same felt pad and Alcohol Pearls only.  This is important because if you add additional blending fluid it will re-wet the ink you have already put down and cause it to bloom and spread. 

I like to add additional colors for flowers and depth, adding just a drop or two along the edge of the blending felt.  Once I have laid down the color by holding the blending tool at an angle, I then pounce the tool flat and blend in some more of the green and blue left in the pad to push the bright colors to the back just a bit.

I always like to finish off with a touch of the color Smolder to finish off the bottom and a tiny bit along the edges, etc. as it adds depth.  

After you have finished, you can add a die cut or stamped sentiment to the open sky area.

This technique can be used in many ways...whether it be a little scene like the one above or just a blended background of several colors.

Here are a couple more examples below...

The piece below is just 2" x 4" and was created using the same technique as above.

You can make your little pieces of art as abstract and loose as you like...
There is no right or wrong.

This will work with any alcohol do not have to use Alcohol Pearls.  
Feel free to experiment!
Hope you've enjoyed my little tutorial, and I would love to see what you create!



Unknown said…
Looks so simple, and lovely!

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