Alcohol Ink Painting Technique

Hello Stepping out with pictures to demonstrate a simple tapping and blending technique for painting with Alcohol Ink. Items Needed Alcohol Blending Solution Time Holtz Alcohol Pearls Round Blending Tool 1 Felt Blending Pad 1 4x5 inch piece of Grafix Opaque White Craft Plastic Apply 5 or so drops of Blending Solution to felt pad. (About the size of a dime) Apply about 4 drops of blue Alcohol Pearl Ink. Either blue depending on your preference. I chose Tranquil. Use a close knit tapping motion to lay in the sky. Continue to tap and lay in the color, going over areas you've already done until you achieve the look you like whether it be large fluffy cells or small cells. Sorry I wasn't able to keep it totally in the frame, but I was trying to hold the phone in one hand and film while I used the other hand for blending. I think I need more practice!! LOL The longer you t...