ICAD #10

Eggplant and Ginger 

I got my order of the full set of Neocolor IIs in this past week and thought I'd take some time to play with them and see how far I could push them .
No step-out shots this time.
My carpel tunnel is acting up, so I ended up working on this one over several day as my hand would allow.

I lightly drew the swirls directly on the watercolor paper in eggplant and ginger looking colors and then wet and smoothed them with a #8 round brush, and then from there I started to play.

I used many methods of layering the colors besides the direct to paper method like I mentioned above. I used both a water brush and a #3 round brush for most of the work, alternating to use the one I felt would create the effect I was trying to achieve.

One method was to take the crayon and color on my craft mat and use a wet brush to mix in a bit of water to create a wet wash.  The more water you add the thinner and lighter the wash.

I also used a wet brush to take color directly from the crayon, sometimes to add a mere hit of color and sometimes I picked up a lot of color to lay down a more intense layer of color.

I did a lot of spattering using washes that I created on my craft mat and the #3 round brush.  The small brush created wonderful subtle and tiny splatters.  Just what I was going for to add in subtle layers of color.  I would suggest that you don't use the water brush to create spatters as it generally likes to just fling plain water out of the brush rather than the color you've picked up on your brush.

All outlining was completed with some vintage Rapidograph pens filled with black India Ink that I scored from a friend.  I used the 2.0, 3.0 and .3 tips.  They have been so fun to work with and I am still learning the best way to hold them and not set the carpel tunnel off in my hand.  I think I am really going to like them.  I have several more pens and tips and I've picked up some white ink and found some brown ink in my stash and am looking forward to playing some more.

Now I'm off to figure out what to do for #11 Lime and Mango.  I'm quite a bit behind but I keep marching on.
...hmmm...what to do, what to do.

Thanks for visiting and if your still here after all my rambling, feel free to leave me a comment below.  I would love to hear from you!


SandeeNC said…
Looking forward to playing and comparing the neocolors to my other water crayons on our artcation! ( counting down the days!! ) Hope your carpal tunnel feels better, does ice help it any?
Some day......, I wanna get those Neocolors. They seem so beautiful in eveyones work. I love the colors on this card and those kinda look like the snake I encounterd in your neck of the woods... well, he wasn't nearly as pretty, just black with a yellow ring around his neck :)
Jean said…
Very cool!
Sandy said…
That purple is divine. Would love to have all the colours of the neocolourII they are so pretty. So many colours to play with. I have the 15 and have the big one on my wishlist.. The 15 pack is such a handy size to take out to play though in its sturdy tin.. Thanks for sharing your process for your ICAD glad to see you joining in with it. Hope you carpel tunnel stays playing nice for you.

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