Mixing it Up loves Cottonwood Arts

Welcome to the Mixing it Up loves Cottonwood Arts blog hop!

This is a closed blog hop just for the members of the
  Mixing it Up Every Day Face Book group
so that we can get to know each other better.

Having said that, if you are not in our group, please feel free to leave a comment anyway and come join us over on Face Book. We would love to get to know you better too.

Sandee Setliff 
Tiare Smith Woods 
Martice Smith II 
Tiffany Goff Smith 
Anna Ely (that's ME!)
Cat von Hassel-Davies
Terri Sproul 
Sharon D. Estes 
Betty Guffey Richardson
Tommy Jo Vilello Anderson
Melissa Willard Edwards
Donna Simmons Lueders 
Jean Marmo 
Tamiko McCurry 

My initial background was created using blue and green
Derwent Inktense Blocks  to create a wash on 140 lb watercolor paper.
I used an old gift card and heavy body acrylics to scrape in green for the grass and
milky white and blue for clouds in the sky.


Next I created a paper mask for my little bird and painted it in
shades of pink, purple and red.

I masked off my little bird and created some spatters in the sky and in the grass.
I took an old splayed out paintbrush and created little pink and yellow flowers in the grass.
I scraped in greens and browns for the flower stems and grass with the edge of my gift card. 

Next I used a baby wipe dabbed in a bit of yellow to create a
sunny glow across the sky.

I also dotted in some little black center for the flowers
and gave my little bird a beak and an eye.

Here's a little close up of the texture on my little bird and the spatters in the sky.

Next I put the stencil of my little bird back on and added some 
pink and purple spatters to just the bird.

Then using a black Derwent Inktense Pencil,
I added an outline to my little bird and softened the lines
with a damp brush and my fingers.

Legs, feet and quote were written with a black
Pitt Calligraphy pen.

...and the final step was to thicken the lines on the quote, put a little highlight in his eye and add my signature.

Open Your Heart to Possibility 

We were also asked to answer this question...
Are you a Journal Hoarder?
I guess I would say that I am.  
I am always in search of the perfect journal 
and I have several in progress at all times,
as I never know what kind of surface I want to work on, or what size.
I grab which ever one feels right at the moment.

This is just a few of the ones I have in progress.  
These three are on my desk most of the time
and I have others tucked away in my cabinets

The journal on the top of the stack I have been working in since 1998!
I know because I try and remember to sign my pages and put at least the year.
Although the page it is open to was finished in the last year or so,
the background was done MANY years ago
and sat patiently waiting for me to come back and finish.

Now I'm off to check out all the wonderful posts in this blog hop!! 
Come join the fun!!
  If you are following down the list in order...
Cat von Hassel-Davies
is next.


OMG... love your picture and holy cow , Batman your journal covers are fabulous!
Unknown said…
I absolutely LOVE this page. It is so bright and fun. Great job and yes I am a hoarder....probably of everything. LOL
Uhm you are not a boarder.. cuz then so am I... Sigh.. lol.. love your step by step.. and finish!!! Love it Anna.. :)
Classygirl said…
Your birdie is beautiful! Now, I wanna play..you ignited my artists this morning! Love that you have been working in a journal for so long and have backgrounds waiting to go back to. I think I will create some backgrounds. Great way to do a little art when time is short!
I am having so much fun looking at all the beautiful blog sites and the art that the you are all doing, I am not a journal hoarder, as I am new to this and never gave them much thought until i started watching Sandee and other artist using them I so need these to get my single pages in order, Your page here is great I love the step by step instructions and I love birds. Great Job Girlie.
Arty Auntie said…
Fantastic little tutorial on your journal page, Anna, and those covers and to die for. I think having a "selection" of journals to work in to fit our moods is the thing...for me anyway. Maybe it is the paper within, or the medium we want to play with, but having a selection is imperative. Who said we were "hoarders"? hehehe
Melissa said…
What a gorgeous creation! That pink bird really stands out! I liked the way you did the background and would have probably be tempted to stop there :) You use such lovely colors and techniques! Can't wait to explore your blog more!
Martice Smith said…
Anna! Such an inviting blog you have :) I really like your little birdie - it's so cheerful with its bright colors. I love the quote, too! I incorporate birds in my work, from time to time. (Mostly when I'm thinking of my Grandmother...I use them as symbolism of courage, strength and wisdom) Usually, I draw or paint them in silhouette, now, after seeing your bird, I wanna try to "freshen" up my approach and add more cheerful colors to them.

I like how you've been keeping your journal for so long- that shows loyalty! Great work, Anna
Anna I love your page and your masked bird. Your journals are awesome!!!! I can't wait to go through more of your blog!
tomeki28 said…
Love the birdie
Sandy said…
Fabulous bird journal page love your writing and fab quote.. Terrific shot of your fun journals love your pages..
I'm hopping off.
Sandy :)
Unknown said…
Love that you showed each step along the way. Fabulous job on your page.
Anonymous said…
Beautiful page and LOVE the pic of the journals. I love seeing what others create in. And ya....i kinda have a journal 'collection' too. lol ;)
Jean said…
Thought I commented but I don't see it. Love your work! This is so cute and thanks for the step by step!!

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