Day 1

BlogAlong - 30 Posts - 30 Days

Ok...Effy has thrown out a challenge to do 30 days of blogging and I'm going to jump in and do my best to swim upstream.  LOL at least that is what it feels like some days when I am just trying to get the things done that I have to do.

I've neglected my blog terribly and hopefully this challenge will help me get back on track.

Just because I've neglected my blog doesn't mean I've neglected my art...well, not completely anyway.  I've managed to make some beautiful backgrounds like the one below.  I love each and every one of them...and I have gotten each of them to the stage where I'm afraid I'll mess them up if I do anything else.  

I know some artists advocate working through that until you come out on the other side, but somehow I just can't do that with this one.  So now I am on the hunt for the perfect quote and embellishments to it to tell its story.

I have always been drawn to shades of jade, teal and green and I love how this page came together. Gesso, Art Cement, acrylics paints and inks are just a few of the things I threw into the mix.

Well, I'm off to get my daily chores done and hopefully I'll have time to come back later and check out some of the blog links.  Otherwise I'll have a lot of catching up to do tomorrow.  I'm really looking forward to seeing what everyone is up to!


Krisha said…
Simply gorgeous!!!
Julia said…
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Julia said…
Beautiful art work.
Jenny Marples said…
Love this page. Like you I need to stand back from many projects until the perfect embellishments come along. Good luck with the challenge! Hugs, Jenny x
What a stunning page... the paint against the kraft background is gorgeous.
Alison x

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