What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday? - 158

So...What's on Your Workdesk this Wednesday? 
I just found this great site Stamping Ground where artists from all over share a link to what's on their workdesk on Wednesday!
You should check it if you like pages of yummy inspiration!!

My desk is actually fairly clean as I have just finished one project and had cleaned up a bit before starting the next one.  In the middle there's a tag that I just completed for Tim's 12 Tags of 2012 and some yummy postcards received this week from an exchange group I am in. 
What you can't see is that to the right of me is my heatgun along with stacks of inkpads and bottles of sprays.  To the left are stackable drawers that are filled with adhesives, stamps and trinkets.  I'm not even going to try and describe what is below my desk and behind me.  Maybe I'll share it someday when I get it a better organized.  LOL!!! 

Next up is to get my contribution to the postcard swap completed and in the mail.
As you can tell, I also share my workdesk with my cats.  I have to put their food up high to keep the dogs from scarfing it done! Momma' decided it was time to eat just as I got ready to take the picture. 
And since I share my desk with them most of the time even when I am work at it, I decided to leave her there.  She and her son Sneakers are usually my constant companions when I sit at my desk.

Tomorrow I am getting up early and driving to my local scrapbook store (which is about a half hour away) and waiting in line to register to take classes from Tim Holtz when he comes there in September.  I can't WAIT!!  I have a feeling I will have lots of crafty company while I stand in line!

Now I'm off to check out more fun blogs and see what everyone else has been up to this week!


BumbleVee said…
What fun! cats on your desk. They can be such companions and entertainment.

I don't have any nowadays.... because I have a husband with such allergies and sinus problems..... but, I still love to see everybody else's cats....

Emily said…
So glad you found WOYWW and good to see I'm not the only one who shares a desk space with kitties (see my past WOYWW posts lol)

Julia Dunnit said…
Welcome to WOYWW! Fun to see your desk, shared and all! Hope you managed to get in on the registration. So who do you now at the Banana place to get that great desk chart as a mat?!!
Anna said…
The Banana Desk Pad is YEARS old. The company is no longer in business. I used to work as a Receiving Manager in a grocery store and the vendor who delivered bananas gave me a stack of them.

They are about a 1/4 inch thick with lots of sheets of paper!

Love them! I've only got two left, and I know I'll be so sad to see them go as they are the perfect size sitting side by side on my desk and I can off stamp, spray, test my stamps, etc as I work.
Valerie said…
I would have not expected a cat in a workspace but I totally understand. I have the same problem with the dogs wanting to eat their food. Valerie #26

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