My little girl is growing up....

Can't believe she is in High School already. We spent the day yesterday shopping for some cute teen clothes. This is her first year not wearing school uniforms and we had so much fun shopping. She got contacts this glasses are a thing of the past too. So many changes this year and it is so good to see her growing up and handling them so well. Have a GREAT YEAR, my (still) baby girl!!!


Photocat said…
She is no baby anmore... They grow up so fast if you look back at it. Wished it went that fast when we were raising them, grin...

Thanks for putting me on your blogroll, I am very exited about that!

Keep up the good work! Got myself a macro 2.8 1:1 too, just like you, love it... You are right, very very shallow depth of field if you go for the 2.8, but you can also go macro and change the aperture to get more depth of field. I want to fiddle with it and see what it does on 16 and higher...

Your girl looks very girlie, I only had sons! They are grown up men now. It does go quickly when you come to think of it.

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