Project 30 - Day 9 - January 23, 2007

A cloudy and overcast day today. The sun trying to peak through the clouds this morning made for a lovely glowing sky out my office window.

I'm babysitting this little guy while my co-worker is out of the office for a couple of weeks. He makes me smile! My office is filled with ivy and spiders and other plants, so he feels right at home.

Had to take this picture of the last orange groves in our neighborhood, it is a young grove just reaching a good size. It borders a lake, and today I saw a "coming soon luxury condominiums". SO sad.....

Little bird that was flitting around a parking lot this afternoon. The sky was still gray and overcast, but that didn't dampen the little fella's spirits. He was chirping and happy.

I just love her eyes...


Melinda said…
love your morning view -

I would think it would be a crime to cut down orange trees in FL
Heidi Brand said…
Very nice sunrise. Love the little froggie planter, he is too cute.

Is that your DD, she has beautiful eyes.
Unknown said…
That is one cute frog planter. Love it!

Nice photos today!
Beth said…
I love that sunrise shot. and that frog is too cute! LOL
Betty "CC" Gray said…
Sigh...I so wish I had your office view. Great capture.
Denise said…
Wonderful sunrise picture, and I love that frog!
Kayla Sullivan said…
Love your view!!!! Great sun.
Patti White said…
anna..these are really good pics..that frog is fun!
very nice sunrise. Don't you love baby sitting stuff that doesn't chat back??
Good variety of shots, Anna.
Huffy said…
OMG... I WANT that planter!!!!!!!! I WANT that planter!!!!!!!!! love it love it love it!!

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