Watercolor Play

I was inspired by CeeCee 's latest post to play with watercolor crayons. I don't have any caran d'ache watercolor crayons, so I used my Staedtler watercolor crayons. I was enjoying the process so much that I got a little carried away with the watercolor, but Hey I like it!! I really should learn to leave more white space though. I do have to say that my carpal tunnel gave me a fit drawing all those little lines, but I pushed on through it and I have big fat flowers. I did use a golden Twinkling H2O's to add the metallic highlights. You can't see it very well in the picture, but I can see it on my page and it gives just the right amount of glimmer. I'm not too keen on my lettering. I should have just left like it was when I first wrote it and not tried to darken it. Oh well, next time. I think I'm going to try this technique out with a few of my other mediums, like my Gelatos and Portfolios and my Twinkling H2O's t...